Wednesday, January 23, 2013

#2: North Village Bathroom Towel Bars

First things first. The apartments in North Village have two different size bathrooms. Why does one side of the apartment get a bigger bathroom! Last year, I was lucky enough to have the bigger bathroom and did not experience the towel issues I have experienced this year. In the bigger bathroom there is a towel bar that is within easy reach from within the shower stall. That same towel bar is now rendered useless as shown in the picture below. Due to the smaller bathroom, the toilet is now directly underneath this towel bar making it useless for hanging long bath towels. A towel hung from this bar could cover the toilet, knock the things from the top of the toilet, or get tucked behind the toilet which is gross.


Furman does provide the bathroom with another towel bar; however, it is a good distance from the shower stall as shown in the picture below. The options for reaching this towel include stretching for it or stepping out of the shower. If I stretch for it, then I have to stretch far which creates the big risk of slipping in the shower. If I step out of the shower, then I get the tile floor wet. As I found out earlier in the year, this tile floor is extremely slippery when wet. Based on the design of these towel bars, Furman did not seem to take the user into consideration while placing these towel bars.

One possible solution would have been for Furman to move the towel bar that is over the toilet to inside the shower stall opposite the shower head. That is how it is at my home, and the towel surprisingly does not get wet while showering. The solution I resorted to is a 3M hook on the small sliver of wall by the shower. You can see this hook in the picture above. These hooks are not allowed in these apartments, and I am hoping that it does not rip off any paint. This hook has performed well and only fallen a few times from the weight of a towel. One solution that Furman could have employed is nailing a permanent hook into the wall here to hold towels. Regardless of what Furman could have done, my roommate and I took control of this situation and made our own solution. This 3M hook has worked well for the most part and allowed us to safely grab a towel from within the shower stall.


  1. Don't worry about the hook taking the paint off, there are so many layers of paint in Furman's apartments they probably wouldn't even be able to tell. Another solution that my roommate and I both use is just to hang the towel over the curtain rod. If it's far enough away from the shower head, it won't get wet.

  2. I fully agree with both of your assertions. One of the rods is right above the toilet whereas the other one is too far from the shower. I always end up with a wet bathroom floor after a shower and one day I am probably going to slip and split my head open in the bathroom.
